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Paper title
Rethinking the Traditional Learning Method for Nigerian Polytechnics

Paper author
Okoli, O. E. and Okonkwo, O.

Author Email
[email protected]

The objective of establishing polytechnics in Nigeria is to produce graduates with higher technical skills. The non-achievement of this objective as recognized from the unemployment rate in Nigeria may be because of learning method used. This paper examines the traditional learning method for Nigerian polytechnics. The paper first presents the background information on traditional learning method currently being used in polytechnics in Nigeria. Further the impact of the traditional learning method on the characteristics of polytechnic education students is elucidated. The paper later presents some of the major problems associated with the traditional learning method which include non-support of knowledge construction and students to receive lectures anywhere and anytime, inability of students who miss lectures and those who have shorter attention span to have access to recorded lectures, unsuitable assessment method and inadequate practical and project. Finally, the paper presents an effective leaning method which is a Web-based blended learning (WBBL) comprising of teacher-directed and learner directed learning methods for lectures, capstone projects and practical and assessment comprising of capstone project/practical score (50%) and essay-type examination (50%). The authors recommended that the proposed effective leaning method should be adopted in polytechnic education in Nigeria to achieve the aim of establishing polytechnics. Keywords: Traditional Learning Method, Nigerian Polytechnics, Impact, Problems, Web-Based Blended Learning

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