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Paper title
Managing Employment Issues and Employment Contracts amidst COVID-19 Pandemic in Nigeria: Measures for the Future

Paper author
Madike Hope Chinelo

Author Email
[email protected]

Abstract: The coronavirus disease (Covid-19) is a highly contagious disease recording worrying levels of morality. In Nigeria, government response aimed at curtailing the spread of the disease has led to the significant restrictions in the movement of persons and goods all over the country. The impact of the lockdown on many businesses has been near catastrophic resulting in employers in large and small organizations being faced with a dreadful problem of whether to let their staff go, cut their hours of work, device other means of work, or declare them redundant. This paper using secondary data, looked at the impact of the pandemic on employment and employment contract and measures that can be put in place to address such employment issues. The findings of this study revealed that employers and employees had to deal with this unprecedented situation by addressing issues of contracts of employment in Nigeria and adopting new ways of meeting their obligations under their contract of employment. The paper offered several measures that can be put in place to avert such pandemic in the future. Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, Employment, Employment Contract.

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