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Paper title
Effect of Environmental Prevention Costs Disclosure on Productivity of Oil and Gas Firms in Nigeria

Paper author
Dr. Ezeokafor, Ferguson C. , Prof. Osisioma Ben. C., Prof. Ifurueze, M.S.K.

Author Email
[email protected]

This study assessed the Effect of Environmental Prevention Costs Disclosure on Productivity of Listed Oil and Gas Firms in Nigeria. Prevention Cost Disclosure; was used to proxy Environmental Costs Disclosure, while revenue growth was used to measure productivity. Based on the objectives of the study. Ex-Post facto research design and content analysis were adopted. Twelve oil and gas firms in Nigeria constituted the sample size of this study between 2010 and 2019. Secondary data were extracted from the annual reports and accounts of the sampled firms and were analysed using E-Views 10 statistical software. The study employed descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using Pearson correlation and Panel Least Square (PLS) regression analysis. Findings from the empirical analysis showed that Environmental Prevention Cost Disclosure; has a significant positive effect on Revenue Growth at 5% level of significance respectively in Nigeria. It was recommended inter alia that corporate entities in Nigeria should invest in Environmental Prevention Cost Disclosure; as this will bolster firm productivity. Key words: Environmental prevention costs, productivity, oil & Gas firms

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